
hi, our family is new to unschooling and new to this group. we have
just got a copy of Teach Your Own yesterday and i couldnt sleep last
night till id finished it. our family is me, my partner, my daughter
(3) and my son (3 months), we are in the uk, we have recently joined
EO. i look forward to the future together!
anyway, hello!

[email protected]

That's a lot of reading for a single day! I bet your brain's all swimmy.

There's a discussion group called Unschooling Basics for new unschoolers, and
one for people with young children (Always Unschooled), both listed and
linked here:


If you're still eager for huge input, maybe read the archived messages of one
or both of those!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Michael Alexander

Don't forget about http://unschooling.info/forum/ -
it's not linked on Sandra's site.

Welcome aboard! (Whereabouts in the UK are you?)


--- SandraDodd@... wrote:

> That's a lot of reading for a single day! I bet
> your brain's all swimmy.
> There's a discussion group called Unschooling Basics
> for new unschoolers, and
> one for people with young children (Always
> Unschooled), both listed and
> linked here:
> http://sandradodd.com/lists/other
> If you're still eager for huge input, maybe read the
> archived messages of one
> or both of those!
> Welcome!

"Did you try not being a mutant?"

"Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes."

Nightcrawler: They say you can imitate anyone? Even their voice?
Mystique [in Nightcrawler's voice]: Even their voice.
Nightcrawler: Then why not be in disguise all the time? You know? Look like everyone else?
Mystique: Because we shouldn't have to.
--all from "X2: X-Men United"

"Maybe that's all that we need, is to meet in the middle of impossibility ..."
--Indigo Girls, "Mystery"

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."
--e.e. cummings

"The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself."
- Mark Twain

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Hi waddaya know... my son's is named vincent.. we sometimes call him chenzo, and
he, like your daughter, is 3 too. It's great to get started early, so to speak.

Nice to 'meet' you.

--- In [email protected], "randomjustice2003"
<randomjustice2003@y...> wrote:
> hi, our family is new to unschooling and new to this group. we have
> just got a copy of Teach Your Own yesterday and i couldnt sleep last
> night till id finished it. our family is me, my partner, my daughter
> (3) and my son (3 months), we are in the uk, we have recently joined
> EO. i look forward to the future together!
> anyway, hello!
> vinny