[email protected]

In a message dated 10/22/02 5:17:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

I guess my thoughts are that with any of the scouting (I don't know about
Spiral Scouts) Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire.. they all have a
based outcome. >>

One of the most important aspects of Girl Scouts is Girl planning. From an
early age(and obviously with more guidance for little ones), the girls are
supposed to plan what they want to do. They have the badges and try-its, but
they are not required. In fact, the group itself can develop its own badge.

Of course, as with any volunteer-oriented organization, there are fabulous
and less-than-fabulous leaders. But with Girl Scouts, anyway, intention is
that the girls will plan what they want to do.

Kathryn, whose partner Beth is Director of a regional GS office

P.S. Girl Scouts are also a cult, for other reasons ;)

[email protected]

In a message dated 10/22/2002 9:11:29 AM Central Daylight Time,
KathrynJB@... writes:

> One of the most important aspects of Girl Scouts is Girl planning. From an
> early age(and obviously with more guidance for little ones), the girls are
> supposed to plan what they want to do. They have the badges and try-its,
> but
> they are not required. In fact, the group itself can develop its own badge.
> Of course, as with any volunteer-oriented organization, there are fabulous
> and less-than-fabulous leaders. But with Girl Scouts, anyway, intention is
> that the girls will plan what they want to do.

I was a Brownie, but I don't remember much about it. I'm not qualified to
comment on Girl Scouts. But Camp Fire is much like this.

And I agree with you about the leaders.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 10/23/02 5:27:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

I guess I should have been more specific. <g> When the gentleman was talking
about getting and keeping boys for three years, it followed a diatribe on
being *Morally Straight and Religious* the molding he was referring too was
more like badly hidden antigay, anti-anthing not conservative Christian
rhetoric. We had also just discussed the issue of child safety, or rather,
the BSA stance on molestation. Now don't get me wrong, I am NOT pro
molestation, but, BUT this man angered me in his instance that the BSA does
its best to avoid anyone not morally straight becoming a leader, thus
decreasing the chances of boys being sexually abused or lured into a
lifestyle that isn't "right." >>

BSA is running scared, clearly. they'd like everyone to believe that they're
working to get the queers out of Boy Scouting, and that will keep your kids
safe. My nephew, who is eight, has become a Scout, and the first large
section (23 pages!!!) is about sex abuse. I have this suspicion that there's
a huge problem with sex abuse in Boy Scouts and it's going to come out, much
like the Catholic church. They want to cover their butts. Part of the antigay
stuff is, as my partner Beth says, The Old Men in Shorts at the national
level who hate perverts. But I suspect that they're also preparing for
massive lawsuits and needed a scapegoat.

[email protected]

In a message dated 10/23/02 8:16:12 AM, KathrynJB@... writes:

<< They want to cover their butts. >>

Not touching that one with a ten-foot pole.

