[email protected]

In a message dated 1/16/2005 7:25:04 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,
tuckervill2@... writes:

-=-I've known kids in my life, when I was a kid, who could recognize
of different makes and models of cars! When I was cruising a lot as a
teenager, I could tell what a car *wasn't* (wasn't the boy we were chasing,
etc.) by
the look of the headlights. But hundreds of models of cars? No.

-=-It is an intelligence I do not possess.-=-

That, the Power Rangers "models" details, etc. are (this surprised me)
"Nature Intelligence," Howard Gardner's own added-later-to-the-set
additional intelligence.

It's what enables people to tell different kinds of trees, snakes, and ants

Kirby recognized components of things. Always and still. But when he was a
toddler, if we found a wooden peg or a screw or any little piece of a thing
loose in the house, Kirby knew what it came off of. And as he got older, if
we found a game piece or a little plastic weapon from an action figure or a
piece of plastic or the cover from the battery case of something, he knew what
it was and where it went.

That skill stands him in good stead in his job at the gaming shop. He knows
which little figures are for which games, and at a glance can tell whether a
certain card (like for Magic or L5R kinds of CCG games) is current for
tournament play, what series it's from, etc.

Some more about nature intelligence is here, and more is easy to find.



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