Alison Reynolds

Hi Janis
Maybe you could contact you local psychiatric services or equivalent. He
does sound like he needs some sort of help. It would freak me out if some
guy I didn't know wanted to fiddle with my hair! It sounds as if you have a
tricky situation on your hands.

My only other suggestions - does he have relatives anywhere you could
contact? Or maybe emailing Tony Attwood - I believe he's in Australia but
may have some suggestions. Believe me I'm no expert - we have had one Dr say
"Asperger Syndrome" and a psychologist say "Doesn't fit the criteria closely
enough for it to be Asperger Syndrome" so the jury is still out so to speak.
It's from the reading I have done that I get many 'Aha's!'

Sorry I can't be more help. There are so many disorders out there that are
so similar it can be hard to know sometimes - and they're only a label. From
my reading most Aspies are just a bit odd or eccentric by their mid to late
20's or early 30's. A lot of them function really well - maybe your
nieghbours is also a low intelligence thing as well. How does he do in his
job? Is he like this with his co workers?

Regards, Alison