meghan anderson

on 7/31/02 9:59 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> What a fun camp. We used to go to festivals back home in the UK
> where you could firewalk if you wanted too. I was always too
> chicken and at that time they wouldn't let kids under 10 do it. Now
> dd is 10 and wants to firewalk but I was beginning to think here in
> lawyer-land I would never be able too. Glad to see they have
> wrapped everybody up in cotton wool.
> Shyrley
> I think, therefore I am dangerous.

I've been missing the festivals this summer! There are some festivals here
but they're so far flung that it's not financially feasible to get to most
of them. There is a 2 day celtic festival near here in September though.
You'll never guess who's playing at it! Fairport Convention (among others)

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety, and ultimately will have neither."

~ Benjamin Franklin

meghan anderson

on 7/31/02 9:59 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> My two big hopes are that I'll eliminate the whining for expensive
> cereals at the grocery store and that they will eventually choose to
> eat their own fruits and veggies without me making them. Any
> opionions on this experiment? Is it a good idea?

Nooooooo! Please don't do it. For all the reasons that have been stated
already. Way too much responsibility to land on their shoulders (even I
have a hard time not impulse buying in the supermarket!). For almost every
expensive 'name brand' cereal there is a cheaper generic equivalent. Tamzin
and I make out a list and shop together (I'm a single mom so she has to come
with me, even sometimes when she doesn't want to <g>). When she asks for
something that is stupidly expensive the first thing we do is search for a
generic equivalent and if that cannot be found, I explain why it is not a
good buy and point out that we could buy x amount of another food that she
likes (I give a particular example to her here) for the same price. It's
never been a problem in the store (ie: she doesn't get upset about it) and
she gets quite incensed at some of the prices (the other day she commented
about a particular brand of fruit roll-ups being "a total rip-off" <g>).
She's become quite the savvy shopper for her young years.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety, and ultimately will have neither."

~ Benjamin Franklin

meghan anderson

on 7/31/02 9:59 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:
> Stevie Wonder won't ever be so cute as when he was a prodigy.

Yeah, but he matured into a respected and talented songwriter and musician.

> Shirley Temple grew up to be a normal adult, kinda boring.

I always thought it was way cool that she became an ambassador. But maybe
that's just me.

> Another entirely different factor is the benefit of hiring an actor who looks
> younger than he really is, and so they might be already small-for-age when
> they get hired.

Reminds me of that guy in Different Strokes, Gary something. Whatever
happened to him?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety, and ultimately will have neither."

~ Benjamin Franklin