[email protected]

> This is what I am having to do. The thing I am most concerned with
> is that in divorcing my husband, that the judge in CA here will make
> me place my children back into "school", as I have heard that judges
> do not look to kindly on homeschoolers and I do not have the money
> behind me to fight him in court.

Hi Patti,

I'm sorry to learn of your marital challenges. As you know from reading my
book, the judge in my divorce didn't even know about homeschooling, and wasn't
interested in learning about it from my lawyer. He didn't care if the
children were at home or off to school, he just didn't count the hours of the
"schoolday" as parent time, which is why I ended up paying child support. I have
been able to continue unschooling because by law I was entitled to half the
military retirement, which covers the rent - tho the rest of the budget is often
VERY tricky.

I second Sandra, that if the issue is having the children at home to learn,
it may be more important to have the marriage intact. Divorce slams everything
in your life into a new place. It's tough, and if you can make the
relationship work out, I would encourage you to examine all possible options.

But, if you find you do need to be separate from your husband, then I wish
you stength, and good supportive friends - they were my lifeline.


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