Maggie Lesoing

Hi Everyone,

I've been so busy this past week I have only had time to barely skim my
digests. But this morning my kids are occupying themselves and I have a
few precious moments to myself and thought I'd read my email! And boy,
there is something going on today, huh? Or at least on that other list
Sandra attached.

It is downright odd that someone would compare raising dogs to raising
kids. However, it just might point out a blanket societal approach to
them. Might explain a few things I have witnessed time and time again.
Yep, SIT OR I AM COMING OVER THERE! I don't find those jokes funny at
all. Hitting kids, humiliating kids, controlling kids -- none of that
is funny to me. It is sad beyond comprehension. It is nightmare
material to me.

A woman I know says that she feels OK about being the only person for
25,000 miles in any given direction who feels X about X. (We live in a
tiny little conservative town.....) She says it makes her solidify her
thoughts on any given subject. At first I understood, but I have come
to realize that being with other like-minded people is strengthening.
Having support is not weak. Having support is comfort and being
outnumbered or surrounded by 'crazy' people can be so isolating!

I am glad to be a member of this list where we share ideas and support
for raising and allowing learning for children.

Thanks to everyone for being here.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]