
Bummer, I missed it too! I'm gonna try to check it out on the podcast
but I read your blog and I just had to laugh at Holly and Marty's
comment, "you were smarter, so you had the responsibility to be
nicer!" That's deep! Very cool!

amy g


I smiled at the deep wisdom of Holly and Marty too!

I checked out the podcast but it is only the first hour of the three
hour show. Does anybody know a way to listen to the Sandra portion
of the show? I'd even pay for it.

in iowa too (hi Amy!)
Unschooling in Iowa
Learning in the (F)Unzone

On Dec 13, 2007, at 8:57 AM, graberamy wrote:

> Bummer, I missed it too! I'm gonna try to check it out on the podcast
> but I read your blog and I just had to laugh at Holly and Marty's
> comment, "you were smarter, so you had the responsibility to be
> nicer!" That's deep! Very cool!
> amy g
> iowa

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Sandra Dodd

-=-Does anybody know a way to listen to the Sandra portion
of the show? I'd even pay for it.-=-

Seriously, please. It wasn't worth paying for. Let it slide through
like mud in the river. (That makes more sense where I live than in
places where rivers are perpetually muddy, so maybe never mind
unless you're from mountain states.)

It's a nice thought, but it was a brief series of interruptions with
me recommending that people might want to read about it at (which seems to have had 300 or 400 extra hits
yesterday, too).


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> It's a nice thought, but it was a brief series of interruptions with
> me recommending that people might want to read about it at
> (which seems to have had 300 or 400 extra hits
> yesterday, too).

I'm hopeful that people listening were intrigued enough to visit your site.
I was alternately joyed in listening (first time I've heard your voice!) and
frustrated by how little interest the show had in thoughtful, intelligent
discussion. It seemed to me the other guest was brought on to play the
controversy card rather than to provide balance. Not surprisingly, her
comments weren't cut short. The host had the terribly annoying habit of
asking several questions, pausing briefly to allow you to begin talking, and
then immediately interrupting. (I find this style of "dialogue" distasteful
even when I don't have a personal interest in the topic.)

I appreciated the opportunity to hear you speaking live, but I agree, it was
not the best format - at least not for people who could benefit from hearing
you speak in full sentences. You weren't given reasonable time to respond to
either of them of before getting cut off. It's a good thing your web address
is short and easy to say!

The host was dismissive of callers who expressed agreement with unschooling
and I was surprised that your segment ended so quickly (and abruptly - the
show came back from a break and he just said a quick "thanks to our guests"
- no opportunity for last thoughts or anything). I listened for a while
afterwards, thinking maybe there would be more callers or that he'd have
further comments, but heard nothing.

~ Susan

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Sandra Dodd

-=-It's a good thing your web address
is short and easy to say!-=-

That was the best part. <g> It was an intro to the existence of the
information, and that won't hurt anyone.

There are a couple of places to hear my voice without the cranky
frustration it might've had the other night. (at the bottom) and http://

I talk fast, but not as fast as it sounds on the radio interview.
They seem to have compressed it, or at least edited space between
phrases. It sounds like I never need to breathe, but they put the
best parts of a long phone conversation into a short breathless


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