[email protected]

In a message dated 4/6/2003 7:56:48 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> >I set a place for Holly too, and when Holly got bored and left, the
> >interviewer had big eyes and said Holly was a really (can't remember the
> >word) kid. She was surprised at how calm and knowledgeable she was.
> A friend of mine and a different friend's teenage daughter were having a
> conversation in the locker room of their health club. A woman who overheard
> them came out and asked the adult who that kid was, she was SO articulate
> and smart. My friend said that the girl was homeschooled. The woman
> replied,
> "I used to be against homeschooling, but after hearing that, I've changed
> my
> mind."
> And believe me, it was just an ordinary, everyday conversation they were
> having, not rocket science or advanced mathematics.

Well, that's the thing.
Yeah, I'm impressed with Julian, but certainly will agree that I may be
biased. But almost daily people meet him and are blown away by him...again,
not talking about Times Tables and Narrative Essay Writing, but normal
conversation, where he talks with passion about music, history, things he's
read, making chain mail, politics, etc...

Recently Julian and I had this program in RI scheduled, and decided to go out
the night before to visit my aunt and uncle. I hadn't seen them in a long
time, since way before my mom died, and we were bringing my aunt a memento
from my mom's things.

After being astonished by Julian's size, we had a very nice dinner where they
were fascinated at how smart and interesting he was. They have relatives that
are homeschooling their kids in a very bad situation (probably kids will be
removed relatively soon, for VERY just cause), and kept talking about how
THIS is how homeschooling should look. I actually started describing
Unschooling (usually don't bother), and they were enthusiastic.

It's not hard to see that this is okay...even if you're someone who is
concerned with kids knowing "the basics," you can talk to someone and
KNOW...it's so sad when people, who ostensibly love someone, don't bother to
do that.

On the other hand...this is a woman who referred to her children when they
were kids as Dumb Fuck 1 and 2.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]