[email protected]

In a message dated 4/3/2005 8:48:39 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
rebeccawow@... writes:

I want him to come home so that he can continue
to learn, but it was his idea to try out public school and I thought I would
make him do one year.


Learning doesn't just happen at home any more than it just happens at
school. He learns halfway to school. He learns while he's physically at school
but his mind is elsewhere.

Why would you MAKE him do a year of school if you didn't even want him to go?

_http://sandradodd.com/empowerment_ (http://sandradodd.com/empowerment)

Certificate of Empowerment, much about learning and not finishing things
that aren't worth finishing.

-=-I did want him to put in ONE year of public school, since it was his idea
try it out. I didn't want him to go back and forth in his mind.-=-

Isn't that what learning's all about?
Aren't you going back and forth in your mind?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]