Sandra Dodd

DARN IT! I wrote a whole explanation in answer to this question,
when it was clear in the first place.

-=-It shouldn't be only parents of Down
Syndrome children who know what the term means. Everyone should
know. -=-

People should all know about Down Syndrome, not just parents of those
children. That's what I meant.

-=- Same with bi-polar. It doesn't hurt to know. Same with
clinical depression. It can't surprise you if you already know the

Everyone should know what those things mean and look like, rather
than only thinking they need to find out more AFTER they've had
problems for a year or two and then found out what was different
about their child.

Knowing what all those things are doesn't label a child. It's
knowledge. Unschoolers would do well to know as much as they can
about what can hinder learning and human development, and what can
help it.


===================================================(that was in
response to)...

Now I'm really confused. Some labels are okay, and some aren't? It's
okay to say that a kid has Down Syndrome or depression, but not
Asperger's or autism? This is the way people have been advocating
that these labels be used - as tools for helping children, and as
ways of knowing.

<<<-- Sandra Dodd <Sandra@...> wrote:
It shouldn't be only parents of Down
Syndrome children who know what the term means. Everyone should
know. Same with bi-polar. It doesn't hurt to know. Same with
clinical depression. It can't surprise you if you already know the