meghan anderson

<<<<I have a friend who believes we all came from
outer space, some distant planet, as prisoners to
colonize planet Earth. Essentially we are a
penal colony. It might could explain a lot. There
should be a church for this, I like this one.>>>>

I know there's a church/commune(?) in Australia that
is something like this. They are building a landing
pad for the 'mothership', although when it is
arriving, I don't know <g>.

<<<<Can the "force" be used for personal gain? Or
revenge and retribution? I know people who think
prayer can. How does one call upon the force? >>>>

I personally believe that the Universe will provide
what I 'need' (not necessarily want). But I believe
that it will not aid in revenge or retribution. I
believe that people make their own choices, and the
Universe can either help, hinder or ignore depending
on the situation. As for calling upon the 'force'...I
just ask in a respectful way (and include the phrase,
"If it be the best thing for me").

<<<<Deb L, who can see the web from here, hanging from
the ceiling fan...>>>>

Meghan, who has not been this 'deep' for a long time!

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