Julie Stauffer

We made it back from the goat show. Had a ball and Adriane did a good job
showing her goat. We were able to talk until there was simply nothing left
that NEEDED to be said and we could just enjoy comfortable silence at times.

Shyrley--you shave a goat's butt because it is a dairy goat show and the
judge has to get up close and personal to check out all the mammary system.
The goat is washed, shined and shaved from head to toe.

But.....today I was snotty and hateful and so were the kids. Stressed to
the gills and couldn't put my finger on why. The kids and I just couldn't
see eye to eye on anything today. Finally, after supper, we were able to
find a way to relax into each other and find some enjoyment together.
Thinking positive thoughts for a better tomorrow.
