[email protected]


2nd Annual Nevada Homeschool Network Convention
June 18 and 19, 2004
Calvary Community, 2900 N. Torrey Pines Dr.

Not an unschooling conference, a variety show of homeschooling topics. The
way it's set up (seems to be) is that each particular homeschooling group there
is sponsoring a speaker. I'm sponsored by Las Vegas Life Learners, a new
unschooling group there. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LVLifelearners/

Other people I know to be on the unschooling side of life are Connie Colten;
and Elissa Wahl who's one of the authors of Christian unschooling; and
Steve and Kimberly Patrow who used to live in Albuquerque and were active in
The Goof Group, a weekly unschooling group we used to have here when Kirby and
Marty were younger.

Other workshop and presentation descriptions are about control and biblical
mandates and other things I have no interest in.

There's an HSLDA guy.
The main speaker is Reb Bradley, who seems to be a preacher more than
anything else.

There are some things Holly might like, though. I hope she has fun.

And then on Sunday the unschooling group is going to get together for a
picnic or barbecue and then we can REALLY talk about unschooling!

The arrangements for this were fairly recent, but I wish I had put a notice
here sooner. I kept forgetting. And it's not a conference to really invite
doubting spouses or parents to. I could be in for some flak or criticism, and
no doubt there will be a room full of revisionist propaganda and advice for
keeping kids down and small. I will be a threat to the idea that of course
parents have to make kids learn (etc.)

-=- at the door it will be $25/single and $35/family-=-

Too much just to hear the unschoolers, I think. But I'm glad to get to meet
more unschoolers and maybe help them out.
