[email protected]

I'm sitting in the Jemez mountains, listening to the rain.....

The trip has been fun. We've done so much I can't even think about it. I'll write more about it later.

Dar, can you send me your address privately.

Who is in Alb? again? We'll be in town on Tuesday, maybe doing the zoo.... Bandalier is slated for tomorrow maybe. Today we are simply relaxing and listening to the rain.


Tia Leschke

> Who is in Alb? again? We'll be in town on Tuesday, maybe doing the
zoo.... Bandalier is slated for tomorrow maybe. Today we are simply
relaxing and listening to the rain.

How about sending some up BC way. One third of one of our cities has been
evacuated because of a huge forest fire. They've let some of them go home,
so I'm guessing it went a different direction, but over 200 homes have been
lost. My dh's niece and nephew live there, and some of their friends have
lost their homes.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin