Elizabeth Hill

I think HSC is a really great group, and they have an extensive
website. One place to start is their info on getting started
homeschooling, titled "From Chaos to Confidence".

I'm going to their conference in Sacramento in August with a group of
friends (from San Jose), and it's my eighth time attending. This can be
fairly expensive if you go for the whole thing and stay at the hotel,
but less expensive if you are close enough to drop by just for one day.

The inimitable Pam Sorooshian is a featured speaker this year. I
guarantee that unschooling parents will find her presentations
fascinating and enheartening.

As a crude rule of thumb, in California it seems like the bigger the
city the worse the schools and the bigger the homeschooling group. Some
suburbs and rural areas seem to have a thinner smattering of homeschoolers.


**What part of California? There are quite a few unschoolers, and
there's a state organization (good general info, not specifically
unschooling) and a fun conference once a year in Sacramento, and you can
still get to lists like this, even if you're in California. <bwg>

_http://www.hsc.org/_ (http://www.hsc.org/)

They have county contacts, and a magazine.**