[email protected]

In a message dated 11/8/02 4:11:30 PM, pamhartley@... writes:

<< The poster has unsubscribed, unfortunately. But, as most of us know, once
ideas have entered our brains, even if we try to reject them, sometimes they
work themselves out into something positive after a time.

Oh, I was thinking that too. Here's my claim to internal fame:

I lost count of the number of people who have said either in real life, in
the SCA, or about unschooling, that they used to think I was full of shit,
but they thought about it for a while (or something profound happened to
them, or they heard it from somewhere else and it made sense, and they
realized I'd said it years before and-why-did-they wait), and now they don't
think I'm full of shit.

Some people will go to their graves thinking I'm full of shit.

And that gives me a kinda warm, earthy, pungent... eeeyew!! WAIT!!!!

Nope, nope, nope!! I took a BATH today! I'm all happy and clean. AND
Holly's washing the bedding. Tomorrow my friend Annealiz is going to wash my


Heidi Wordhouse-Dykema

At 06:23 PM 11/8/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Some people will go to their graves thinking I'm full of shit.

Biologically speaking, did you know that your small intestines (Duodenum,
jejunum and ileum) are about 20 feet long and the large intestine (colon)
is 5 feet long. So, technically, you've got about 25 feet of contributing
evidence there.... Albeit if it were full, you'd definitely notice and
probably do something about it... I mean, Ouch! Frankly, you don't seem
the constipated sort.

Why, yes, I am a riot at cocktail parties. Why do you ask?
(so THIS is what happens when you get a degree in science! Ewwww.....)