Kelli Traaseth

Paula wrote:

**OK, here's a true Unschooling Confession:
> When Zoe was 4-5, we read her "Jurassic Park" - 3 times in a row!
> Looking back, that seems a little kooky, but she loved it so.**

Here's another one, confession that is. My son begged and begged to watch
Jurassic Park at the age of 4/5. This was before my unschooling
transformation. I didn't let him, I didn't let him, finally I think when
he was 5, we caved in. Poor guy, me not letting him at first, although
it still scares me!

He loved it, wasn't scared by it at all, just continued to love dinasaurs
and all that has to do with them. This is him talking, "Mom, you know its
all make believe, there aren't any real dinasaurs out there!" said with a
huge grin on his face.

So interesting, he isn't bothered at all by those movies, then last year
we watched Robin Hood: Prince of Theives and scolded me for not warning him
about the violence! <sigh>

I think I'm slowly figuring it out. :)

I have to look up Raptor Red, I've never heard of that one.


[email protected]

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 14:14:32 -0600 "Kelli Traaseth"
<tktraas@...> writes:
> Here's another one, confession that is. My son begged and begged
> to watch
> Jurassic Park at the age of 4/5. This was before my unschooling
> transformation. I didn't let him, I didn't let him, finally I
> think when
> he was 5, we caved in.

When my grandson (step-grandson? Rain's half-sister's son) and his mom
came out to visit when he was 2 or 3, watching this video was one of his
favorite things to do at our house. "Watch a dinosaur movie? Watch a
dinosaur movie?" I'm surprised we didn't wear out the tape... sometimes
Rain could deflect him to Land of the Lost videos, which also had
dinosaurs, but mostly he wanted All Jurassic Park, All the Time. I
haven't wanted to watch it since... but he was happy, and not scared, and
it didn't seem to scar him for life.

When he came to visit the year before, his mom commented that Rain and I
picked him up whenever he asked, whereas her mom had stopped when he
learned to walk, because he was "too big". It was nice that her parenting
philosophy ended up more in line with mine...
