
Just have to say that it seems people spiral the same paths........I read Ishmael and Continuum Concept together almost 14 years ago I think. You would LOVE Lyall Watson too if you like Quinn. He is a biologist but also a bit of a spiritualist. His book "Gifts of Unknown Things" and "Dreams of Dragons" are 2 excellent starters with him. They both bring together Science with--- well..............with AMAZING!!! The first is a story of a girl on an Indonesian Island, and his study of her culture and her innate understanding of her own world. The 2nd book is a compilation of wonders of the how trees can communicate. Each chapter really brings home how we are all related. Not just humans, but how all of the universe(s) are related.

Another great one by Lyall is "Elephantoms". Obviously, about Elephants, but also about humans and children's abilities to be unschooled and totally at one with their natural environment. Really an inspiration on so many levels...but you do have to want to learn about elephants, and it does go into a lot about their behavior.

Geography of Childhood is another great one for you who are interested in our detachment to the natural world, and yet the natural attachment we are born with.

Just had to put his out there to changing books they all are. And Ishmael is followed up by Quinn's other book "The Story of B" which continues the story of Ishmael and goes even deeper! After finishing this book 14 years ago at 3 a.m., I woke up my husband and told him that I could not possibly stay married to him if he did not read this book. I have to laugh about it now, but I was completely serious. You read it, you'll see what I mean!

Kelley in Sarasota, FL

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