[email protected]

I got this question from someone on a local homeschooling list:

(it's best to use a wide screen)

> Just wondering how many of you guys have high schoolers and if so how do you
> unschool them?

I have a fourteen-year old who is unschooled; he'd be in 9th if he were in

Some of his main interests since we pulled him out of school have included:

Interests "Subjects"


travel history/literature/social
studies/composition/math/nature studies/geography/self-sufficiency
cooking unlimited math/physics/chemistry/art
star-watching astronomy/mythology/literature/geology
religion literature/comparative
computers math/composition/reading/information
music music/math/history/art
art art/history/math/physics
mountain biking PE/physics/geometry
skateboarding PE/physics/geometry
cartooning art/humor/literature/composition
sex (he's 14!) biology/physiology/sex ed/inter-&
intra-personal skills
screenplay-writing literature/composition/art/language
film-making art/composition/critical
scrapbooking art/composition/educationese/storytelling/
education philosophy/history/psychology

If he were here, he could probably give me a few other interests. His travel
has included trips to Germany (at 11, by himself) to Australia (at 13, with
People To People) and to Washington state (at 14, with Wilderness Ventures).
Not to mention family trips.

We go WITH his interests, not against them. We discuss A LOT. He questions A
LOT. And we encourage that.

Deschooling from Heathwood Hall was tough. We allowed him a lot of time to
heal. He's STILL healing, but he's happy and content with Who He Is and now
craves learning again.

Unschooling is about being your child's partner in education, not his

You can find out more at http://www.unschooling.com and
There are websites composed by adult unschoolers I can find for you if you're


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