Nanci Kuykendall

>My experience is that sex education is best done in
>the car.
>....The big advantage, of course, is that when the
>parent is driving, eye contact is impossible. You can
>have all kinds of potentially embarassing
>conversations without having to look at one another.

This brings to mind a bitter example of similar usage
of the "easy-no-eye-contact" conversations in cars.
My oldest brother once told me that it was how my
father told him and his siblings (his first four
children from his first marriage) that he was
divorcing their mother. They were all in the backseat
and my father was driving. I commented, "How
convienient, Not only did he have you captive, unable
to storm out or react how you needed to at the time,
but he didn't even have to look you in the eye while
he said it." EXACTLY! was what my brother said, and
was amazed that I had seen it so clearly from such a
distance of time. But then, we did have the same
father after all. Typical cowardly, controlling,
dominating behavior.

But I am glad to know that there is a positive aspect
to this "indirect" conversation possible in cars, for
awkward discussions that children WANT to have.

Nanci K.