Dawn Falbe

Hi Heather:

I finally got to read what you wrote even though you told me the whole
story at the park (LOL).... What I didn't tell others on this list was
the conversation that took place over the past 4 months with my mother
since I was off the list.

My mother is an absolute control freak who has to be right about
everything.... She told me that not only does she not believe in home
schooling but that she has no intention of learning anything about it,
either my reading, talking or viewing anything on the topic. She knows
she's right and that Zak (now 7) is going to be bored at home and needs
more discipline. This from a mother that allowed me at 15 to start
traipsing around the world in a band and then work on a cruise ship all
over the Mediterranean!!!!!

She even told me a couple of weeks ago that the law states in Arizona
(where we live) that kids have to be tested at age 8. When I probed her
for where she saw that info she fluffed it off with "on some web
site"... When I pushed the issue and said "where so that I can write to
them and let them have the correct information" she got pissed at me and
told me she didn't want to argue with me and hung up the phone on me.
Typical my mother behavior. I contacted someone from our local home
schooling group to triple check on the law in AZ and she sent me the AZ
web site that says nothing about testing (which I already knew)... I
then forwarded it to my mother but didn't tell her I was sending it. I
don't know if she ever read it because she never said anything.

I try not to give her the opportunity to say anything about what we are
doing because it's always her opinion that's the correct one and we are
somehow harming our children. Sometimes it does feel like an uphill

I was reading what everyone posted about this and (sorry don't remember
who it was) has the opposite problem where their mother talks to the
relatives and never says anything to the mother. Sometimes I wish that
was my mother and she'd just shut her mouth, mind her own business and
keep her opinions to herself......

It's really important for me to talk about this stuff (I know you know
that Heather) because otherwise I start to doubt myself and what I'm
doing. I even looked into a school for Zak when this was all happening.
It's an unschooling school like Sudbury but as a friend of mine pointed
out "So you are going to pay $640 per month for Zak to do what he's
doing at home?" HMMMMMMMM....

Tucson, AZ