
Hi All: Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sheila and I
have homeschooled my dd 11 1/2 and ds 9 1/2 since birth. I asked my
dd and ds recently if they were excited to start school in
September. He was and she said she wasn't. That was it. I knew
after much experience with trying every curriculum out there that I
better start to deschool myself and allow both of them to unschool.
I've been afraid because of the "what should be done" in my head
routine. I'm not anymore. I read the Unschooling Handbook and found
it my favorite homeschooling book ever. I've just finished reading
Real-Life Homeschooling which consists of 21 different families.
This book allowed me to find what my thoughts and philosophies always
were deep deep down. Any story I read about the child unschooling I
loved. When I would read about the families that used a boxed
curriculum I myself would break out in a cold sweat knowing how it
has not worked here. (Could only imagine what my daughter thinks.) I
said to my husband a couple of weeks ago, "If I allowed her to
unschool - she would soar!" My husband and I discussed it further
and knew this is what we need to do. I did not commit to this for my
children (1) to hate learning and (2) butting heads with my dd on a
day to day basis. It seems to be that way lately and I feel down and
out about it. SO, HERE WE ARE! I look forward to hearing how you
Let Go and let them learn in freedom. I intend to read, read read
and keep my mouth shut in order to learn myself and let my kids learn
in freedom. Thanks for listening. I plan on putting this on another
loop I joined, so if you read it twice, I apologize - just looking to
get good advice wherever I can! Toodles. Sheila

Kathleen and David Gehrke

It all new to me too , but makes so much sense..
HUH>?>?Last year we had our first homeschool
adventured with my six.. THis year we are on a
unschooling adventure..The days that went best last
year were the days they led and I followed. When I
lead it went well sometimes, but mostly turned into me
pushing and them resisting. This group is so fun to
gather stories from and people letting their kids be
kids and it helps me let go of that picture in my head
of what I was supposed to be teaching them..
Have a great adventure
--- swtmntn <ssweethws@...> wrote:
> Hi All: Just wanted to introduce myself. My name
> is Sheila and I
> have homeschooled my dd 11 1/2 and ds 9 1/2 since
> birth. I asked my
> dd and ds recently if they were excited to start
> school in
> September. He was and she said she wasn't. That
> was it. I knew
> after much experience with trying every curriculum
> out there that I
> better start to deschool myself and allow both of
> them to unschool.
> I've been afraid because of the "what should be
> done" in my head
> routine. I'm not anymore. I read the Unschooling
> Handbook and found
> it my favorite homeschooling book ever. I've just
> finished reading
> Real-Life Homeschooling which consists of 21
> different families.
> This book allowed me to find what my thoughts and
> philosophies always
> were deep deep down. Any story I read about the
> child unschooling I
> loved. When I would read about the families that
> used a boxed
> curriculum I myself would break out in a cold sweat
> knowing how it
> has not worked here. (Could only imagine what my
> daughter thinks.) I
> said to my husband a couple of weeks ago, "If I
> allowed her to
> unschool - she would soar!" My husband and I
> discussed it further
> and knew this is what we need to do. I did not
> commit to this for my
> children (1) to hate learning and (2) butting heads
> with my dd on a
> day to day basis. It seems to be that way lately
> and I feel down and
> out about it. SO, HERE WE ARE! I look forward to
> hearing how you
> Let Go and let them learn in freedom. I intend to
> read, read read
> and keep my mouth shut in order to learn myself and
> let my kids learn
> in freedom. Thanks for listening. I plan on
> putting this on another
> loop I joined, so if you read it twice, I apologize
> - just looking to
> get good advice wherever I can! Toodles. Sheila

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