[email protected]

In a message dated 8/16/03 9:24:27 AM, Wilkinson6@... writes:

<< Have you heard the Hardware Store song? He lists at a very fast pace

all the things you can find in a hardware store. It's great. >>

It's on the new CD, Poodle Hat.

They didn't do that last night. I think it's a studio-only situation, same
as "Everything you Know is Wrong." I think it's two tracks and he stops a line
to breathe, and the final is both sets of every other line, put together to
seem he could go 90 seconds without breathing. Though I will say he's got a
TON of stamina and strength, and dances and jumps and sings and acts for nearly
two hours straight.

<<She's trying to master that one. Very difficult.>>

I don't think it's doable. I know the words to "Everything You Know is
Wrong," but it can't really be sung. Not by me, anyway, and I don't think by Al

<<I love Omish Paradise. (sung to Gangters Paradise).>>

Amish. <g> He did that last night.

<<And the Emminem one about watching TV til your brain turns to mush is

really funny.>>

He did that too, after an "Al TV" video interview with Emminem. He had
several of those: Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake, Celine Dion. It would be
clips of them answering questions from interviews, or saying something inane,
intercut with him asking questions to SEEM they were responding to him.
HILARIOUS. So with Emminem, he had lots of statements about artistic freedom, and
then said "So you think someone should be able to do a parody of a video?" and
like that, then came out and did the song.

They have videos on big screens (and some nice smaller TVs between the
speakers and the audience, for anyone who can't see well) to cover for costume
changes, of which there were many.

<<He came to our area about 5 years ago, but we weren't into him at the

time. I hope he comes back soon!>>

His shows are definitely worth seeing.
