[email protected]

Sharon & Meghan,

I REALLY wasn't looking for pity, but thanks for your thoughts! I'm really
fine with all this.

We all have to make choices, and after years of putting up with her and
making myself miserable, I finally decided it was best for everyone if I just
became a bitch to her and her alone. Works like a charm. I DO miss seeing my
Dad as often, but we work that out.

Would it break my heart if my boys followed suit and cut ties with me? You
betcha! But I've made it very clear to them WHY I've done this (and that they
can carry on any relationship they want with her---or none at all). And I try
my best to be the best mom I can be for THEM---and NOT the very best showcase
mother, looking for the accolades of the other society mothers.

It was a lot easier when we lived abroad or across the country, but living in
the same town is impossible!

She followed ALL of Rosemond's advise (even before there WAS a
Rosemond)---and look where it got her!

By the way, I call her Nancy or Mother when I mention her at all. My Dad is
Daddy, Papa or Pop. My boys call him Opa ( the #1 son was born in Germany) or
Pa (#2 son couldn't "do" the first syllable long ago---kinda' sounds like
what Opie called Andy---Paw). Papa loves both! I called my grandmothers
"Doolie" and "Ganny"---early attempts at Julia and Granny.

I was Mommy until they got a certain age, then it became Mom. I miss "Mommy"
