[email protected]

In a message dated 10/6/2003 3:50:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
>>>I wonder why it surprises us when our kids turn out like us :-) Animal
breeders spend careers selectively breeding for specific traits, knowing
that certain things will be inherited. We forget that DNA works for us, too

Years ago, on the same day, I read two articles in the same newspaper.
Different pages.

The first said that extensive research shows that golden retrievers'
personalities are basically genetic. That aggressive begets aggressive and submissive
begets submissive. That environmental differences can cause inherent
aggressiveness to be less or more severe, etc., etc., same with with submissive. Best
not to breed two aggressive golden retrievers to each other.

The second article said that maybe there was a possibility that possibly it
could be that maybe in some ways the probability exists that humans *might* be
proned to possible genetic influences that, well, there seems to be a trend
that might point to the possibility that, genetically, people who are
imprisoned for assault may contribute to the probability that their children may, but
it isn't conclusive, that the children of these prisoners are maybe more apt to
become---but that the evidence certainly isn't conclusive---but that the
possibility exists that those children might, under the right circumstances,
become prisoners too. Maybe. For assault. Maybe.

We humans have a hard time seeing ourselves as animals! <g>


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