[email protected]

My daughter Donika- almost 21 now - wore any make-up she wanted to when she
wanted to -

She did a moderate amount when she was about eight. That was when she wanted
her ears pierced too.

Now she is super conservative - no make-up at all - except when she has the
dance concerts on stage for school, and she complains about the make-up then-
she has just started wearing ear rings again after not for several years.

I'm not real thrilled about the tattoos my son Devin got a couple years ago
at age 22, but---

Shawn (age 28) did the tongue pierce - and then the eye brow, but the eye one
seems to be over - don't think he could wear that in his theatre productions,
or while doing his competitive diving in college.

Trevor (age 15) has one ear pierced. Says he wants a tattoo -


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