[email protected]

Hi People,

To help me decide the amount of books I should print (I don't want to fill
the garage :-0) I am offering the preprinting offer of FREE postage for books
ordered by Oct. 15.  This is a reminder that time is running short.

If you haven't visited my website yet:


I invite you to check it out.  Our family has un/homeschooled our five
children since 1981.  My book talks about some of the experiences we've had over the
years and I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I've enjoyed living it and
then writing about it.

I asked some people from my local homeschooling list to read over sections of
the book.  Here is a bit of the feedback I received:

"I devoured the 1st part of this section.  Oh how it spoke to me exactly
where I am at right now!!!  The questions about traditional schooling; Finding
support; creating new ways to learn at home … I think that these basic and common
issues will speak to all homeschoolers especially those that are just
beginning or are struggling (as we ALL do at times!)."

from Maria Claudia Schroeder - homeschooling mother of four

I'm looking forward to receiving your order, so my "project" succeeds!  I've
been asked about autographs, just give me the word, and I'll sign your copy if
you like.

Thanks so much,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]