
>Can you explain the Krebs cycle so that a layperson can understand
>it? Apparently it's a problem with the Krebs cycle that causes the muscle
>fatigue many people with fibromyalgia get. I keep thinking that if I
>understood it, I might be able to find a way to help it along or something.

I put fibromyalgia and Krebs cycle into google. (Yes, it IS habit
forming!) Since I know almost nothing about medicine I can't tell you
how good the hits I got were. I can't tell what's solid and what's just
a come-on to get your money.

This one has a nice picture (simple) of the Krebs cycle. (scroll down)

This one is a vitamin selling place, but they attempt to give some
scientific (?) rationale for what they are selling. (And there are some
footnotes to some medical research about fibro.)

You've probably seen a zillion fibro webpages already, though.
