
>>I too am Christian and a radical unschooler. I believe that Jesus is
as liberal as you can get. I'm pretty sure he was into "judge not", and
"love one another". I believe that the "do nots" of Christianity refer to
our policing our own behavior, not the behavior of others. I feel it is my
job to try to make the world a warmer place for all people, not just the
ones who live like I do. In all of the New Testament versions I have read,
I don't recall Jesus ever judging anyone except people who set themselves up
as "religious", rather than loving, and he was definitely "yoked unequally"
when he dealt with humans.

The only time I have stopped a friendship was when the persons behavior
impacted me and mine. So I have friends who are gay, friends who are
Jewish, friends who are Pagan, friends who are divorced, friends who are
alcoholics....I even have a pen pal in prison.<<

Thank you, Julie for sharing this. I, too, believe as you do. I've been a
Christian since I was 14 but I can't seem to find fellow believers who
believe as I do. I can't get into the judgment thing or only fellowship
with my own kind thing.

I don't attend church because I can't find one that meets my needs. I, too,
have gay friends (I am of the firm belief it is a biological thing, not a
choice), pagan friends, wiccan friends, atheists, etc. We all seem to
respect each others beliefs and are ok with that. I want my kids to respect
others who are different, as well. If either my daughter or son turns out
to be gay (pretty sure daughter is not) it won't matter in the least (except
for society and the way they will be treated/judged, etc).

Anyway, I'm glad I'm not the only one with these beliefs!

Janet, mom to Caroline, 7, and Thomas, 3