[email protected]

Thank you for reminding me of a fabulous book! Zen and The Art of Motorcycle
Maintanence was a life altering book for me. Certainly set me on the path of
adventure...he was such a COOL Dad!!
My dh recommended it to me when we were dating and loaned me his copy. I
think that's when I really fell for him.
Speaking of dh....he's been told (by perfect strangers) about four times in
the last month that he looks like Rick Springfield. I don't see it too much,
but it does wonders for his ego. He is a very good looking guy to moi, of
course. A total musician type. I love it when he has his "winter" look of
scruffy face and long hair. More typical is his business look though...short
hair and clean shaven....DARN IT!!
I liked the pretty boys when I had crushes. Luke, Scott Baio, Rick
Springfield definitely.
So what does that say about me?
I love adventurous types in real life though, mountain climbing, skydiving
adventure seeking men.
Hey, Luke was adventurous...maybe there is a little insight there!!! haha
Your story parallels parts of mine. I was raised fairly conservative in many
ways. I've always been fascinated with the whole homesteading thing. And I am
also a big Sandra fan!!!


Isn't that why most of us are here? <g>


<<And I am also a big Sandra fan!!!

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