noemi hiraishi

Most of the Japanese ideograms were borrowed fm the China. Budist
monge "robbed" (copied Budda's teaching and snicked into Japan).
Today many Japanese ideograms are different fm the Chinese ones
because the "revolution" have simplyfied the ideograms there.

As for the brushes, I would suggest going to bookstores/or any
Japanese school and buying the brush-caligraph-kit for school
children. Chinese/Japanese goods shops also might have them. At
least in San Jose, San Francisco, CA, I have seen them.

I do not know much about Chinese ideograms. I would suggest
posting to our HP . There
are some members that are bilingual English/Chinese and they
might have more clues.

Deb, I am glad for Dylan! What a boy and what a family! Someday
our children might meet and then...will they speak in English or
in Japanese? Portuguese, who knows!

The weekend we spent with Tokyo Homeschoolers Network (one
Japanese unschoolers group). It was an overnight event so that
families could share experiences. As weekday socialization do
not normally happen here in Japan (most houses are too small to
have visitors, life here is relied heavily on train
transportation that usually run fm 5 AM to 0.30AM, long working
hours...etc), our family had, for the first time, the opportunity
to meet others unschooling families. 17 people ranging fm 2 1/2
yo to 66 yo were there.

One of the disvantage of hs in Tokyo is that any place we want to
go, we have to take trains. It is good that we don't have to pay
for the maintenace of a car, which is costly here, but for any
outings, events even to reach another unschooler's family take us
at least an hour (that not counting the time to change clothes,
to walk to the station, wait for the train...)

There it was said that most of the Japanese hs are unschoolers by
its natural course. The families go for the hs option because
they could make the child stay at the ps. And as the children are
fed up with schooling, there is no other option than
de-schooling, then unschooling are found that works.

Second, I was saying that since I began hs dd 3 years ago, I have
been looking for hs in Brazil and that I found none. One of the
members said; "hs is an alternative for too much schooling. South
Hemisphere children are not yet praged by it."