Deirdre Aycock

Betsy- Thanks so much for asking this! We've been needing some new ideas
around here, too! We've just finished Eragon by Christopher Paolini. We
sincerely hope the author of that book is busy on his second! Deirdre

> (that reminds me...)
> I'm interested in SciFi book recommendations for a 10 year old boy who
really likes Harry Potter and Edward Eager and Mercedes Lackey. He likes
the Star Trek TNG novels about when the characters went to school. <g>
(Starfleet Academy) I'd probably read them aloud, so difficult vocabulary
is not a problem.
> He liked Ender's Game, but other than that we haven't done "adult level"
sci fi books. The only "juvenille" SciFi that leaps to mind is Heinlein,
and the science in those is pretty outdated.
> Any ideas? He really likes books about animals and dragons, so he might
really like non-humanoid aliens.
> Betsy