meghan anderson

<<<<And new to unschooling, maybe. I think several of
the people on the list are
new to unschooling. I don't want to try to say "only
people who've unschooled for a year or more..." or
"only those with kids over the age of
five should post," but those with less experience
should probably do more
reading and less writing at first, at least.


I've been thinking about this post and it's been
bothering me.
Was this list set up for all unschoolers or just
If newbies didn't post and just read how would
newbie's questions get answered? What if a newbie had
a burning question that maybe old news to long-timers?
Should they just keep quiet and hope that the subject
comes up?
I understand that you posted this in response to
someone defending their stance on TV limiting (which
IMO isn't pure, true, radical - or whatever you want
to call it - unschooling) and maybe you didn't mean it
as a general comment. But I do think that if a
not-so-confident newbie read it, they may not feel
comfortable asking a question or stating an opinion.
I feel that would be a shame for this list and could
possibly make it a bit stagnant, with only the
'experienced' unschoolers choosing the subjects
I would think and hope that *most* newbies would be
interested in hearing all viewpoints and in that
hearing, maybe some previously held beliefs may be
challenged. There are probably other newbies that have
been following this thread and learning a lot from it
(and possibly changing some previously held
perceptions about TV and limit setting in general).
And this subject may have never come up if a newbie
hadn't posted about it.
I, personally, haven't been tracking all of it because
I've been busy and the sheer volume has been
overwhelming for me right now (I'm still days behind!)
- so I've chosen not to get involved in the 'TV'
debate this time around.
I am grateful for all the insight and awareness of the
more experienced unschoolers on this list have to
offer, but does that mean that the rest of us have
nothing meaningful to offer or contribute? We've been
'officially' unschooling for 3 and a half years and
'unofficially' for 7 and a half years. I still
consider myself to be a newbie, probably always will
be <g>.


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