Julie Anderson

Just had to brag.. the sheep and I both survived..LOL.. Are there any
handspinners on this list?? I have so much to learn. This is my first time
to do this..I chose my ram to experiment on..since he's so tough and the
most friendly. I could only save the best wool from his back..the rest was
way too dirty. I will have some hurting muscles tomrrow and a sore fingers
from working the hand clippers.. Only 2 more sheep to go! Oh, I have the
cutest baby lamb too..one week old today... and also my first chicks
Gee.. think I better join the 'homesteading' homeschool list..LOL...
Julie in MO - I'm almost finished reading Holt's.. How Children Fail..
book.. so very good... It sure makes me remember my school days!