[email protected]

In a message dated 10/1/2002 1:48:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:
> I get just nauseated by this huge effort maintained
> (like the Adult consipracy of Xanth) to try and
> convince children that School is fun! School is a
> wonderful place where you want to be! School is
> neato-keen and full of lively and interesting
> activity! They expect children to be brainwashed to
> the degree that they don't even believe what their own
> senses are telling them about school, or kids think
> there must be some thing wrong with them to not see
> and feel the way everyone else does about school.

The Soviet Union & China had the same kinds of "ads". It's all so great HERE,
why would you want to leave?---and just in case you might, we're making it so
that you CAN'T!

How much difference is there, REALLY, in communistic propaganda and school's


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Nanci Kuykendall (Ingah)

> How much difference is there, REALLY, in communistic propaganda and
school's > propaganda?
> Kelly

Ooooo Kelly, Viva La Revolution! I totally agree. I often wonder,
and ask very disconcerted people, "How are children supposed to learn
to love freedom and democracy when they grow up in a dictatorship?
Is this negative training, so they will hate what they have had?"
I'm a bad girl.

Nanci K.