
Julie wrote:

. What
life be like if we were all free to simply be? To be
Buddha mind? To
what God created us to be? To be our natural essence?
It blows me
away to
think about.

***Well, this is something that I've been thinking
about too.. It seems to me that the people who feel
that their kids need to be controlled and limited the
most are those who don't trust their *own* nature...
How can you let your kids stay up as late as they
want, watch as much TV as they want, or choose their
own diet if you feel that if *you* were given the
freedom to do those things, everything would fall
apart? It seems people regulate themselves more by
what they think they *should* do, than by what they
*want* to do.

I would like to have enough faith in myself, and
people in general to think that left alone to listen
to ourselves, everything would work itself out... Most
people seem to perceive this as my being naive... oh
well :) I guess we'll find out eventually!

Love, Tori

Tori Kirkby
Creative spirit and mom to Jade (3 1/2) and mystery baby due in 2 weeks

The basis of life is Freedom
The objective of life is Joy
The result of life is Growth
- Abraham, 1989

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