[email protected]


"The Internet was created by the United States of America - a Christian nation
[ref. 1, 2, 3] - and should not be used to spread anti-Christian, secular,
or non-Christian propaganda and hatespeech. This is our Internet, and we should
exercise our position as its owners and as the guardians of civilization to
stop its misuse."

[It goes on and on about the Landover Baptist site, revealing what they think
is news, like that it's NOT a church with a bunch of members, but just an
internet site. Yeah. I thought everybody knew that as soon as they read one

Christians own the internet and THIS guy, who doesn't know humor when he sees
it, is a guardian of civilization? Yikes.

Some of the objectives:

* Contact the webhost of Landover Baptist and inform them of what they are
hosting. Clearly they are unaware of the contents of this site, or else it
would have been deleted. If the webhost is part of the anti-Christian agenda,
then we must contact any other of their service providers - including the phone
company, domain name service, etc. - that are unknowingly being used to further
hatred and inform them of Americhrist Ltd.'s true intentions.
* Next, we should bring the site to the attention of the makers of Internet
filtering and blocking software. Ultimately, Landover Baptist is much more
dangerous than any pornography site since it leads people to reject their only
hope for salvation!
* Petitions!


So that does go along with a discussion on the bigger unschooling discussion
list in which Joyce tried to explain that some religions can't be tolerant. I
know they can't be tolerant, but I don't think Landover and other parody
sites are leading people to reject salvation. Sheesh.

It's not supposed to be funny, but it is funny.
What's not funny is that people who believe things like that are
overwhelmingly likely to be involved in homeschooling.


A musical couple I know has a song about Jesus and the Internet. It's a great song, and could probably be taken either in support of Jesus or as a parody. (www.catlovescrow.com) Well, we were sitting around talking about the song one evening and wondered what we would find if we typed in www.jesus.org. Expecting to find that some religious organization had snapped up the URL, we were rather surprised to find it was a strange site by some guy with long hair sitting in a hot tub with a bunch of women. Don't know if it's still there. Gave us a chuckle though.

On a slightly different angle, when a neighbor of mine died, I discovered in her obit in the newspaper that I live in a Christian neighborhood. I wondered how they determined that. There are certainly no signs to indicate that the entire 'hood shares a religion, nor is there anything in the neighborhood covenants. Maybe it is true though. We are one of 4 homeschooling families in the neighborhood and the other 3 are very vocal about being Christian homeschoolers.

Mary Ellen
----- Original Message ----- Christians own the internet and THIS guy, who doesn't know humor when he sees
it, is a guardian of civilization? Yikes.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


on 8/18/03 4:48 PM, SandraDodd@... at SandraDodd@... wrote:

> It's not supposed to be funny, but it is funny.

Here's one of my favorite bits:

> There has been some questions as of late on why we moved our web-site. As
> stated, it was due to our previous host's lack of strong condemnation of
> triclavianism. I would like to clarify this situation as I think it
> illustrates an overlooked heresy in today's Church.
> Triclavianists hold that three, and only three, nails were used to affix our
> Lord Jesus Christ to the cross. While it might be true that three nails were
> used -- and, in fact, archeological evidences uncovered by Biblical
> researchers positively point to this conclusion -- it is erroneous, and
> theologically dangerous, to make this a doctrinal position. The Bible does not
> enumerate the Lord's nails and any extra-Biblical research on the subject --
> while both interesting and useful for apologetic purposes when dealing with
> those afflicted with a Secular world view that denies even the historicity of
> our Lord's passion and crucifixion -- cannot be considered of any substantive
> import to the Faith.

And on the kids page which would be funny if it wasn't so sad what they want
the kids to believe:

> If you find an Atheist in your neighborhood,
> You may be moved to try and witness to
> these poor lost souls yourself, however
> Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or
> they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.
> Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the
> adults handle them.

And there's a tract to print out for the kids to color with the words:

> It is a beautiful day for Lambuel to witness on the street corner
> to passersby!
> People enjoy having the Bible shared with them! So, go
> brighten someone's day with Jesus.

Can you imagine little kids expecting to have everyone smile at them while
they're proselytizing on the street.

But maybe people are nice to the little kids and they're being used as a
tool by the adults to get the word out without the reaction that adults get.


[email protected]

In a message dated 8/18/03 3:50:45 PM, fetteroll@... writes:

<< due to our previous host's lack of strong condemnation of
> triclavianism >>

Imagine what he'd do if someone lacked strong condemnation of Landover!

> You may be moved to try and witness to
> these poor lost souls yourself, however
> Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or
> they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Maybe it IS just a joke page and not serious.

Maybe he suckered me like Landover Baptist suckered him.


[email protected]

In a message dated 8/18/03 04:23:38 PM Central Daylight Time,
nellebelle@... writes:

> ----- Original Message ----- Christians own the internet and THIS guy, who
> doesn't know humor when he sees
> it, is a guardian of civilization? Yikes.

I did not think that any ONE person owned the Internet. But then maybe I am
just being thick and missing the point. <g>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/18/2003 3:49:54 PM Central Daylight Time,
SandraDodd@... writes:

> Americhrist Ltd.'s

Are you sure this is for the reals?

Tuck, not buying it.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/18/03 6:40:19 PM, Tuckervill@... writes:

<< > Americhrist Ltd.'s

Are you sure this is for the reals? >>

I know that the Landover Baptist Church is a total spoof/satire site.
I THINK (but am not positive) that the anti-Landover site is serious.


Deborah Lewis

***I THINK (but am not positive) that the anti-Landover site is

Did you read the Mall Missionary stuff? Wow! Save yourselves! Cut
up those J. C. Penny charge cards NOW!

Deb, the mind boggles while the flesh Sears.


Malls Of The Damned

If Secular Consumerism is the new false religion, then its temple is the
Shopping Mall. This is where those deluded into Secular Consumerism go
and unwittingly take part in anti-Christian activities; this is where the
Santamas propaganda and indoctrination are distributed; this is where the
moral foundation of our society is being attacked; and this is where we
as Christians must go to battle for the souls of the unsaved against the
forces of Secularism.
"But surely malls are just places of commerce, not deliberate attempts to
lead people away from Christ," you may be thinking to yourself.
Unfortunately the facts point to the malls' knowing complicity with the
cause of anti-Christian Secularism. Besides the complete lack of
Christian references in their so-called Christmas displays and
decorations (just try and find a Cross or depiction of the Baby Jesus
amongst all the Santas and snowmen and shiny balls), more subtle
subconscious suggestions of Secularism's anti-Christian stance can be
found by studying the names of common mall stores:
J.C. Penny - The J.C. makes us think of Jesus Christ, thus associating
our Lord with the lowest monetary value, the penny (even Judas valued Him
at 30 pieces of silver!).
Sears - What the flesh of the damned does in Hell. It also sounds like
"seers", Pagan mystics who engaged in occult premonitions.
Cinnabon - Sounds like "Sin Upon".
Orange Julius - Named for the Pagan Emperor of Rome. This company's
mascot was once a devil, until they changed it to hide their true
Hot Topic - A recent store aimed at children that openly sells devil
paraphernalia. Any guess as to why "hot" is in their name?
Hallmark Gold Crown Stores - Purveyors of Santamas tree ornaments
depicting anthropomorphized woodland creatures (reference to
Evolutionism) and Harry Potter merchandise. What notable person will have
a mark and wear crowns? [Rev. 13:16, 13:1]
Clearly there are ulterior motives evident. Even the word "mall" evokes
evilness being a homonym for "maul" - the violent rending of flesh - and
"mal" - Latin for "bad" and root for words like "malicious" and
"malevolent". These Malls of the Damned - open even on Sunday! - are no
innocent business centers, but active parties in the conspiracy to
promote Secularism.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/18/03 7:27:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
ddzimlew@... writes:

> Malls Of The Damned
> If Secular Consumerism is the new false religion, then its temple is the
> Shopping Mall. This is where those deluded into Secular Consumerism go
> and unwittingly take part in anti-Christian activities; this is where the
> Santamas propaganda and indoctrination are distributed; this is where the
> moral foundation of our society is being attacked; and this is where we
> as Christians must go to battle for the souls of the unsaved against the
> forces of Secularism.
> "But surely malls are just places of commerce, not deliberate attempts to
> lead people away from Christ," you may be thinking to yourself.
> Unfortunately the facts point to the malls' knowing complicity with the
> cause of anti-Christian Secularism. Besides the complete lack of
> Christian references in their so-called Christmas displays and
> decorations (just try and find a Cross or depiction of the Baby Jesus
> amongst all the Santas and snowmen and shiny balls), more subtle
> subconscious suggestions of Secularism's anti-Christian stance can be
> found by studying the names of common mall stores:
> J.C. Penny - The J.C. makes us think of Jesus Christ, thus associating
> our Lord with the lowest monetary value, the penny (even Judas valued Him
> at 30 pieces of silver!).
> Sears - What the flesh of the damned does in Hell. It also sounds like
> "seers", Pagan mystics who engaged in occult premonitions.
> Cinnabon - Sounds like "Sin Upon".
> Orange Julius - Named for the Pagan Emperor of Rome. This company's
> mascot was once a devil, until they changed it to hide their true
> intentions.
> Hot Topic - A recent store aimed at children that openly sells devil
> paraphernalia. Any guess as to why "hot" is in their name?
> Hallmark Gold Crown Stores - Purveyors of Santamas tree ornaments
> depicting anthropomorphized woodland creatures (reference to
> Evolutionism) and Harry Potter merchandise. What notable person will have
> a mark and wear crowns? [Rev. 13:16, 13:1]
> Clearly there are ulterior motives evident. Even the word "mall" evokes
> evilness being a homonym for "maul" - the violent rending of flesh - and
> "mal" - Latin for "bad" and root for words like "malicious" and
> "malevolent". These Malls of the Damned - open even on Sunday! - are no
> innocent business centers, but active parties in the conspiracy to
> promote Secularism.

This was absolutely hysterical!!! Deb, would you mind my copying and pasting
it to a friend? Thought provoking and I guess maybe one of the reasons I am so
at home in a Maul, ooops, I meant Mall. hehehe

Rhonda - surely damned if there is a hell ;-)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/18/03 8:27:18 PM, ddzimlew@... writes:

<< Deb, the mind boggles while the flesh Sears. >>

Montgomery couldn't Ward off evil, and God smote them.
Now Satan rides naked as Lady Godiva down at the chocolate shop.

I'm never going to a mall again for at least a week.


[email protected]


Due to our recent successes in working towards the inevitable shutdown of the
Landover site, certain elements in the anti-Christian movement have decided
to launch a character assassination campaign against Jim Carlson and other
OBJECTIVE: Ministries members. This campaign is being waged in the Landover
guestbook, as well as forums on third party websites, and consists of impersonated
messages involving all manner of obscenities. This is the sort of villainy that
we have come to expect from the goons behind Landover.

Any message you read claiming to be from Jim Carlson or any other OBJECTIVE:
Ministries member that contains vulgarities, sexual innuendo, bad poetry, or
other un-Christian sentiments is to be considered a FRAUD and ignored. If you
are the owner of a forum which has been drawn into this anti-Christian
campaign, please delete those fake messages and forward the poster's IP number to <A HREF="mailto:olobs@...">our
legal team</A>.

We apologize for any misunderstandings that this unfortunate turn of events
has caused.

Yours in Christ,
OBJECTIVE: Ministries

I am sending all of your IP numbers to their legal team! Shame on all of you
for mocking this poor man! He is only trying to spread His Word and help us
all to a better understanding of the evils of Mauls, Seers, Jesus' true worth,
Harry Potter and small woodland creatures!

Damn those Bunnies!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


I've come across a few references to the site and people are saying it's a

triclavianism isn't in the dictionary.

One person speculated that they really were booted from their old webhost
because the host was Christian and they eventually realized they were
hosting a parody of themselves.

One of the bios on the members page
(http://objective.jesussave.us/members.html) has:

> Dr. Miller is the Pastor of Mt. Fellowship Baptist and the spiritual leader of
> our organization. Dr. Miller has the uncanny ability to inspire and empower
> his congregation with his fiery sermon stylings and preternatural exegesics.
> We owe the growth of our cause first to Our Lord and Saviour and second to
> Pastor Dr. Miller.

Exegesics isn't in the dictionary either.

Note that everyone is connected to something "Fellowship." Fellowship
University, Mt. Fellowship Baptist, Fellowship Christian High School.

Here's the clincher:

> "Diamond" Jack Holgroth is a Game Theoretician who currently teaches a course
> in Advanced Game Theory for Theologians at Fellowship University. He served
> our country during the Cold War as a Game Theory Tactician for the Department
> of Defense and single-handedly developed an elegant solution to the
> "Fisherman's Quandary", a game theory problem that was crucial to the winning
> of the arms race and that was famously intractable - until Diamond Jack came
> along. Jack also enjoys vexillology and can signal Bible passages from memory
> in fluent semaphore.

There's just too much stuff there that could have come straight from a real
Christian website that it's really hard to tell it's a parody.


[email protected]

In a message dated 8/19/2003 5:43:16 AM Central Daylight Time,
fetteroll@... writes:

> There's just too much stuff there that could have come straight from a real
> Christian website that it's really hard to tell it's a parody.

I think it's a Landover Baptist site.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/19/03 5:48:16 AM, Tuckervill@... writes:

I think it's a Landover Baptist site. >>

Well it WOULD be humor on humor to get more and more icons on people's
websites to support NOT going to "that horrible" site to see how many hits they can
really get when they stir the crazy-pot.


Alan & Brenda Leonard

8/19/03 13:12:

> J.C. Penny - The J.C. makes us think of Jesus Christ, thus associating
> our Lord with the lowest monetary value, the penny (even Judas valued Him
> at 30 pieces of silver!).
> Sears - What the flesh of the damned does in Hell. It also sounds like
> "seers", Pagan mystics who engaged in occult premonitions.
> Cinnabon - Sounds like "Sin Upon".
> Orange Julius - Named for the Pagan Emperor of Rome. This company's
> mascot was once a devil, until they changed it to hide their true
> intentions.

OMG this is so funny!

having trouble taking other Christians seriously (again)