
As many of you know, I'm the editor of the Making it Work section of the
La Leche League New Beginnings Magazine. I need some help, and thought
a few of you could help...If some of you could please write a bit, I'd
appreciate it.

The situation: My baby statys with a very breastfeeding-friendly
caregiver while I work. She's been wonderful about feeding and caring
for my baby the way I want her to. She has other children in her care,
however, and yesterday a toddler bit my baby! I'm upset and worried now
about my baby's safety--but I know it would be hard to find another
caregiver who is so loving and willing to feed my pumped milk. What
have other mothers done when things like this happen?

If you could just write a paragraph or two (or three) about this
situation I'd appreciate it.

Now for the small print. Published replies become the property of LLLI
and are subject to editing. Include your postal address, your email,
and your full name. (Only your name and city will be published.) Send
it to me at joylyn@... asap! Thanks
