Pam Hartley

From: "zenmomma *" <zenmomma@...>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [AlwaysLearning] Re: People who perhaps maybe cannot or should
not unschool
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2002, 10:13 AM

>>It would be wasting his time and his money, and wasting my time, AND
>>making me look like a bad teacher.>>

Are we afraid of looking like bad unschooling teachers?


I am, a little. Not because *I* would look bad, but because unschooling
would. It's hard enough to deal with the, "but what about math!" parts
already, without having someone who just can't get it tell everyone, "we
tried unschooling for two years and the children never learned any math."

But, maybe that's cowardly of me. Maybe we should just tell everyone to
bring it on, with the understanding that sometimes it'll work and sometimes
it won't and there are going to be people running around claiming to be
unschoolers who just aren't even close.

It's happening anyway. :P


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