Sandra Dodd

Below is information to back up the request below it.

16 New Members - 252 New Messages
Group Information

Members: 2034
Category: Attachment Parenting
Founded: Nov 23, 2001

January 2009 posts: 391 (light month, at a dozen and some posts a day)
February 2009: 1166 posts
March, nearly over: 736 posts

All of that information was pulled from a place you can all see too:

As list owner, I much prefer quality over quantity. I'm not trying
for volume. I'm trying to provide learning here so that participants
can facilitate rich, fun learning lives for their families when
they're not on the list.

Posts for this list need to fulfill at least one of these criteria:

helps lots of people understand unschooling
asks a question that actually needs an answer
requests help seeing different aspects of a situation
helps people have more peaceful and joyful lives (helps lots of people
on the list)

ALL posts should be


NO posts should be

just a "thank you" or "me too" or "cool" or "LOL"

With over a thousand people we don't need greetings and good-byes. Be
here or don't be here, and save posting for important messages to
hundreds of people.

If you don't want to even consider what people are offering as
suggestions, keep that to yourself. THINK about what you've read.
Think privately, and not in a post that hundreds of people will need
to read or ignore. Only post important, useful, honest things.



The past few days have been

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