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My son, 6, has yucky baby teeth also. At 1 1/2 his fronts were rotting right away. We had them capped at 2. General anethesia. At 4 he fell and pushed one of the caps way out of line. An x-ray showed the root area destroyed, and an extra front permanent tooth right between his others. We had 1 capped tooth pulled then. At 6, after a few wrestling matches and kicks in the mouth his other capped tooth abcessed and another x-ray confirmed his two permanents had grown enough to have oral surgery to remove the extra. Riley had surgery, again general anethesia this past March. I'm glad we had x-rayed at 4 to find his extra tooth and am glad again to have seen the growth in 2 years to be able to pick out which tooth to remove. He will have a gapping no front teeth smile for along time. Riley opens well for the dentists and seems to not fear them. I am happy with the people who have worked with us.

My girls teeth are both beautiful, straight, no rotting. Our dentist says that about 10% of the population has a bad biology in the mouth which leads to the decay. Makes sense. My son had a horrible case of thrush as a baby, also a sign of the wrong balance of bacteria. This dentist has had to deal with a lot of us moms who believe in extended nursing. He has learned alot about the benefits of long term nursing and now does not blame the nursing for the rotting teeth. Though he still tries to encourage night time weaning.

Mary H.