
Hi Everyone!

I would like to extend an invitation to all of you......

I have just joined a newly formed group, moderated by a very good
friend of mine, Millie Pinson. Millie's goal for this group is to
provide an atmosphere of discussion relating to inclusiveness within
the homeschooling community.

Please join us! The information is below! Hope to see you there!
Patti and the boys (Chris 13, Matthew 7, Anthony 6)
Life Long Learning Academy
"For no matter where knowledge and learning come from - no matter
what shape, size, or dimension it assumes - it still is what it is,
knowledge and learning. Therefore knowledge and learning should
always be embraced." ~ unknown

----Original Message------
From: "Millie Pinson" <milliepinson@s...>
Date: Wed May 19, 2004 1:50 am
Subject: Inclusivity

Dear Home Schoolers,
Please come and discuss the issue of inclusivity within the home
schooling community. What it is. What is isn't. How we can make it
happen. Why we should. To what extent we should.
[email protected]

Sincerely, Millie Pinson