[email protected]

In a message dated 12/15/2001 3:31:07 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> > Crossing your fingers, closing your eyes or just telling them it's bad,
> > doesn't do a dam bit of good.
> Darn - you mean I've been cramping my fingers and walking into walls for no
> good reason? <BEG>
We have developed an interesting Substance Abuse Program in our Homeschool
(Collins Cove Clothing Optional Homeschool.) When an anti-drug, alchohol, or
smoking commercial comes on tv, we have this conversation:

Parent: Hey, Juls?
Julian: Yeah?
Parent: Don't do drugs/Smoke/drink irresponsibly.
Julian: Yeah, okay.

(Obviously, this is NOT all we ever do.)

It's kind of a joke, but my theory is that someday someone will offer Julian
drugs or something, and he'll crack up, saying..."I can't...my moms told me
not to."

Sometime you can hear about our Multicultural Homeschool Vocational Program.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]