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**Another homeschooler was over here and hadn't seen the house since I'd
moved here. When I showed her around she saw one of my big bookshelfs full of
books and materials and said something like "oh, you still have all the books
and stuff?"
As though unschoolers didn't use real life materials!!! The ignorance is
I made some comment about what did she think unschooling was if we weren't
making loads of stuff available to our children and she replied that she
thought I would have gotten rid of anything curriculum oriented.
What, like dictionaries?
Or the science books my kids love?**

I've bought some seriously wonderful books cheap from eclectic homeschoolers
and unit study type homeschoolers. Eyewitness books. The History of US
series. A newer atlas.

They were done with the unit, or with the year's designated subjects, and
didn't need the books around anymore. They weren't using textbooks but they
thought of what they were using the same way - work through it from start to
finish and when you're done, you're done.

My family though uses those kinds of books for reference, for leafing
through, for pondering. Even when we start at the beginning and read
straight through to the end, we're not done with them. We'll be back.

I'll bet your visitor thinks about books the same way those sellers did.

Deborah in IL