Alan & Brenda Leonard

2/28/03 23:06:

> Riley is 6. When he gets frustrated he grabs, kicks, screams, pouts. He is
> sensitive and can get his feelings hurt or think people are rude or mean.

You've got the wrong name in this sentence. It should say, "Tim is 6.
When...." You've just described my son perfectly.

I think it's partly about being 6, and just like the annoying stages of 2
and 3, it'll go away. I also think it's a lot about this time of year.
It's finally starting to occur to me (I'm a slow learner!) that we often
have most of our problems in late winter, before spring starts and all the
fun stuff Tim loves best.

I don't do park days, because there aren't enough homeschoolers here who
feel that they can leave their curriculum for 2 hours a week to have a park
day. So I can't tell you what I'd do. But I hope it's slightly reassuring
to know that your son sounds perfectly normal to me!
