[email protected]


I just wanted to drop in to say that after over twenty years of
home/unschooling, and five kids that are functioning very well in the world,
thank you very much - my mom still doesn't get it.

Me - talking about my soon to come book on our homeschooling experiences.

Mom - maybe if I read your book, I'll finally understand what you do/did
about the kids' learning

Ah, somehow if she doesn't get it by now, I don't think the book will help,
do you? :-)

At one point she said - if I'd have known about homeschooling, then I would
have done it. I really doubt it, and she didn't need to - she can still feel
like a wonderful mother, which she is/was and just let it be! After the
beginning, I just quit discussing it with her - I got so tired of her asking
me when I was going to sit the kids down and teach them. We have always
lived a great distance apart, so that has helped. And why do you have to SIT
to learn anyway??


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]