[email protected]

This is an attractive and interesting page for kids:


What surprised me was the link right below: "What does this page look like
through a Librarian's Eyes?"

It is, sort of, the page translated into Dewey Decimal system notation.
Dewey Decimal is cool with me. I've gone straight to costume books and
English history in libraries I'd never been in because I knew the numbers.
But... I hesitate to think that a librarian would think that the world wide web,
the whole internet, all the real-world current and constantly updated sites
would need the dewey decimal system. So I doubt that many really
computer-savvy librarians would think of the internet as a library.

But on the other hand, I have a new computer. I was used to my old one (and
its father before it <g>). I was frustrated that it didn't have the same
"recent documents" feature, and that an add-on I had before (WorkStrip) didn't
do what IT used to do. How would I ever find my files? And Sherlock, even
SHERLOCK didn't do what it used to do. Oh, I was sad. Then I figured out
that the regular old "find" feature that used to not find much will now find
ANYTHING and everything, no matter how badly named. <g> (Almost.)

So maybe I was thinking too much like an old-time librarian or something.

Anyway, I wish there had been cool sites like this when my kids were little,
and so for all of those of you with still-little kids, you might find some
wonderful things (and if they were to use this a few times, the Dewey Decimal
system might make more sense when they come across that).


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