Nanci Kuykendall

Yeah, my husband looks like a person.....what does
YOURS look like? :P

Actually though, we hear a lot about how remarkably
like David Duchovney (Fox Mulder from X-Files) he
looks. We have an X-Files video that the kids call
"the Daddy show."

What's funny is that my husband has grown a beard
(although a short one, so you can still see the
contours of his face pretty well), he also has taken
to wearing glasses more, to give his eyes a break from
the contacts. So the other day we were trading in our
van for a spiffy new truck and the finance guy was
really fun. He was cracking all kinds of jokes while
we were signing the papers, and he had to offer us all
the extra insurance and stuff that he is required to
offer. Then he made a crack about calling my husband
David, and that I must have been a big X-Files fan and
that was why I married him. I was really surprised
because of the beard and glasses. But I guess he
still looks enough like him for it to be obvious to
some people who have memories for faces.

Nanci K.