
Pam Hartley wrote:
> On Survivor, a pseudo-reality show with one would think no redeeming values
> other than mindless enjoyment, I got to watch a group of lionesses hunt down
> an animal (a wildebeest? don't recall. Normal prey animal, whatever it was),
> but I got to watch the angle FROM THE AIR.
We saw that too. I really, really want to go to one of the African
parks to see the wildlife in person when my children are older. That scene
was incredible and about the last thing I would have expected on Survivor.
I think it was a wildebeest that fed the lions that day.

I also think that they did more to show what life in Africa was like
this time. I also applaud their decision to sell memorabilia on E-Bay
and donate the proceeds to African Aids charities.


Cindy Ferguson